
Guesthouse FUJITA was originally a shop to sell umbrellas. And then, It had become a small grocery shop to sell charcoal, food, medicine and stationery (as there was a small elementary school nearby.) And finally it became cigarette shop. We tried to reuse the furniture and shop fixtures. And Irori, a fire place was revitalized at the same place. So were bed rooms. We replaced old tatami mats with new ones.

Living room
IIrori is installed on this floor but If you worry about your children with it, we can close the top for safety. Also Kotatsu, a table with an electric heater fixed underneath, covered with a quilt, is set in this room as shown below (only in winter). With the TV monitor, you can watch Amazon Prime, YouTube and NHK+. Also you can connect a TV game if you have with you to the monitor.
部屋の隅に囲炉裏を設えています。お子さまがいらっしゃる場合は、蓋をしますので遠慮なくおっしゃってください。テーブルはコタツにもなります。冬場はコタツ仕様にしています。ホットプレートやホットポット(鍋)もご用意しているので、机で料理を楽しむこともできます。50インチのモニターもありますが、地上波は映りません。Youtube、Amazon Prime、NHK+を観ることができます。HDMIが付いているのでゲームもできます。

Bed room(s)
All the rooms upstairs are available for sleeping and we set Futon, Japanese bedding, on the Tatami floor. You can move them by yourself as you you like. We put "electric blanket" and "futon warmer" during winter season. We will inform you how to use them. From the window upstairs, you can see paraglider in the sky with mountain view if you are lucky.

Bathtab is installed in the bath room. Toilet and lavatory can be seen under the photo gallery. Please kindly check them.

Front room
The shops was in this place. We placed desks, chairs and some furniture which has been in the warehouse for a long time. Please use this space for eating food or working here. Wifi is available. Pet's cage is here as well.